+81-3-5841-6032 / 1678
Mon.-Fri. 9:30-12:00, 13:00-17:00 工学部8号館1階

03-5841-6032 / 1678
月曜日~金曜日9:30~12:00, 13:00~17:00
Report of Summer Program 2017
The 2017 Summer Program came to a successful end, though students wanted it to continue forever. This was the second year of the program, and we had four times as many applicants as last year. The top twenty students were chosen from among the applicants. Participants were from 15 different partner universities and conducted research in their host laboratories between June 26 and August 4, 2017. (Each student had a different program length.)
Students spent time conducting research with Japanese students thanks to the help of mentors and colleagues. Research topics were advanced, and as the program was for a short term, technical proficiency was required for experiments. Participants applied methods that they had never tried at their home universities and took new approaches to their work. Through these illuminating experiences, they created a new awareness of themselves. Students also gained knowledge and experience through activities arranged by their labs such as field work, visits to other institutions, and visits to other labs.
The program completed with submission of a report following a presentation at the lab. The high level of motivation and the sense of diligence the participants brought to the program was highly motivating for the Japanese students in the laboratory.
The program started with a guidance session and a campus tour, during which the hydrangeas and the lotus flowers on the campus were so beautiful. Students joined Japanese language classes (divided into two groups based on their abilities) and experienced a yukata wearing workshop and a Japanese tea ceremony. These activities were firsts for the students, and they looked really happy and excited to be experiencing the Japanese culture.
During the program, students enjoyed a bus tour around Tokyo and the Yokohama bay area. We visited the Cup Noodles Museum and the Panasonic Center and had fun on a sightseeing boat in the Sumida River. We also did some sightseeing in Asakusa.
On the night of the School of Engineering summer party students had a fantastic time because the party was Edo era style! It was an awesome experience!
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)
- Tongji University (China)
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong)
- Seoul National University (Korea)
- CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (India)
- Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (India)
- University of Toronto (Canada)
- Rice University (USA)
- Australian National University (Australia)
- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (Australia)
- Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH, Switzerland)
- Imperial College London (UK)
- Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
- Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aschen (Germany)
June 26, 2017 – August 4, 2017 (at least 3 weeks; max 5 weeks)
Participants: 20 students from the following 15 universities.
Host laboratories
The list of the host laboratories could be found in the Host Lab List.
The Students stayed in a hotel (single bedroom with a bathroom) near the Hongo Campus..
Photo Gallery
You can browse the photos in our Google Photos Album.
Participants’ Voices
You are welcome to enjoy the exciting experience from the paticipants in 2017.