+81-3-5841-6032 / 1678
Mon.-Fri. 9:00-14:00 工学部8号館1階

03-5841-6032 / 1678
月曜日~金曜日 9:00-14:00
Outline 概要
To enhance the international collaboration in research and education, the School of Engineering has the academic agreements between universities and institutes overseas.
We have concluded agreements between universities and institutes of the world, and are promoting the academic exchange in the areas written below.
- Exchange of faculty and administrative staffs and researchers.
- Exchange of students.
- Conducting collaborative researches.
- Holding joint lectures and symposia.
- Exchange of academic information and materials.
We also conduct tuition waivers in the Student Exchange Program.
- 教員及び研究者の交流
- 学生の交流
- 職員の交流
- 共同研究の実施
- 講義,講演,シンポジウムの実施
- 学術情報及び資料の交換
Agreement Conclusion Policy協定締結方針
The School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo concludes Agreements in order to support and promote the professors in our school who have been already collaborating internationally.
Therefore, we usually conclude agreements with universities and institutes based on the already accomplished collaboration by researchers in both universities and institutes.
- 相手先大学/研究所と東京大学全学間での締結(全学協定)
- 相手先大学/研究所/学部と東京大学工学系研究科間での締結(部局協定)
全学協定の締結には、原則的に複数部局での交流が必要です。 協定は原則的に5年ごとに、交流実績を調査のうえ、更新を行います。 また、授業料不徴収の内容を含む「学生交流の覚書」を締結する大学とは、半年から一年間の交換留学を実施しています。