+81-3-5841-6032 / 1678
Mon.-Fri. 9:00-14:00 工学部8号館1階

03-5841-6032 / 1678
月曜日~金曜日 9:00-14:00
交換留学 (派遣/受入) Student Exchange Program
東京大学から協定校大学への交換留学生(派遣)Outgoing Students
We dispatch students for the partner universities from the University of Tokyo under the agreement of the Student Exchange.
For Current Outgoing Exchange Students: You can find here some useful tips during your stay at the partner universities.
Incoming Students協定校大学から東京大学への交換留学生(受入)
We receive students from the partner universities as exchange students for more than 6 months up to 1 year under the agreement of the Student Exchange. Application forms must be submitted through your institution. You will be paying the tuition to your school but not to the University of Tokyo while you are here. You will be placed to a lab and will be able to take courses as well.
For Current Incoming Exchange Students: You can find here a Guidance Information for after arrival, an academic calendar, necessary information for course registration, International Friday Lounge and other information you might need.