+81-3-5841-6032 / 1678
Mon.-Fri. 9:00-14:00 工学部8号館1階

03-5841-6032 / 1678
月曜日~金曜日 9:00-14:00
・Please finish the administrative procedure of the UTokyo by four weeks prior to your departure.
・As you prepare for your trip, please also make sure to read all the safety tips below for the safe meaningful study abroad.
・Please also remember there are some procedures for you to do within a month after your program ended.
留学決定後After acceptance
Administrative Procedure
1. 派遣学生情報届の提出
・ 出発4週間前までに提出してください。(3.付帯海学申請書と一緒に提出してください。)
・ 全学USTEPで留学する学生は「渡航情報届」を直接本部国際教育推進課へ提出してください。トビタテ採択者はトビタテ事務担当者を通してお手続きください。
2. 学科/専攻事務室(以下所属事務室)での手続き
【1】 Formsの登録及び留学許可願(必須)
【2】 修学計画書(提出の必要の有無については所属事務室にご確認ください)
【3】 単位認定申請書・留学制度による授業科目及び単位数の認定(任意)
3. 学研災付帯海外留学保険(以下、付帯海学)(必須)
・ 渡航4週間前までに付帯海学への加入が必須です。
・ 受入許可書を受け取り次第、付帯海学申請書を国際交流チーム(outbound.t@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp)へメールでご提出ください。(1.派遣学生情報届と照らし合わせて手続きを進めるため必ず一緒に提出すること。)
No. | Document Name | File |
① | 付帯海学 2024年パンフレット |
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② | 付帯海学 申請書 |
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* プラン内容はあくまでも2024年度のものです。料金は毎年変更となる可能性があります。
* 事前に保険会社に連絡をすれば、付帯海学の保険期間を延長・短縮することが可能です。
* 全学USTEPで留学する学生は本部国際教育推進課、トビタテ採択者はトビタテ事務担当者を通してお手続きください。
4. 日本エマージェンシーアシスタンス(株)の派遣留学生危機管理サービスOSSMA(Overseas Student Safety Management Assistance)
OSSMA:Oversea Student Safety Management Assistanceサービスについて
1. Student Information Sheet
・ Please submit this sheet to OICE no later than 4 weeks prior to your departure.
・ If you are going on the exchange program through USTEP, please submit "Notification of Going Abroad" directly to the International Exchange Promotion Group (本部国際教育推進課).
2. Procedures at your department office
Because the internal committee meeting process needs to be done, please hand in the documents below to your department office as soon as you receive the acceptance letter.
【1】Request for Approval to Study Abroad (mandatory)
【2】Study Plan (Please check your department office whether submission needed.)
【3】Application for Accreditation of the Credits (Optional)
You may bring back a maximum of 30 credits for Undergraduate level students and a maximum of 10 credits for Graduate level students. You must talk to your department office and the Office of Undergraduate/Graduate and fill out the form before you leave Japan.
3. Accident Insurance for "Futai Kaigaku" (mandatory)
・ You are required to apply for the "Futai Kaigaku" insurance by 4 weeks prior to your departure.
・ Once you receive an acceptance letter from the university you applied, please fill out the application form for the insurance and mail to OICE (outbound.t@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp).
Details and Application documents for Study Abroad Insurance for "Futai Kaigaku"
No. | Document Name | File |
① | Futai kaigaku Pamphlet 2024 |
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② | Futai kaigaku Application Form |
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* The plan above is only for 2024 fiscal year. This is subject to change every fiscal year.
* If your study abroad period gets extended or shortened, you can change the length of your insurance.
* If you are going on the exchange program through USTEP, or if you will be receiving Tobitate Scholarship (Japanese citizen), you will be applying for this insurance through USTEP and Tobitate office and NOT through us.
4. Overseas Student Safety Management Assistance (OSSMA)
If you are interested, please check the web site below.
Information you must read before your departure
- 渡航前のTo Do (1)~(3)
To Do (1)~(3) before departure - 違法薬物について
Drug and medicine information - 外務省
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan page - 外務省 在外公館リスト
Location of Embassies and Consulates - 海外安全ホームページ
- 海外安全ホームページ「海外安全虎の巻」
"Overseas Travel Risk Management Guidebook" (English Ver.)
留学先に着いたらAfter your arrival
留学先に着いたら、国際交流チーム outbound.t@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp まで一報をお願いします。また、指導教員と連絡を密にとってください。 もし、何か問題など発生した場合は、直ちに指導教員、国際交流チーム (outbound.t@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp)、もしくは所属事務室まで連絡して下さい。
After you arrive your destination, please send us a line and let us know you have safely arrived. Also, please keep in touch with your supervising professor. If some emergency occurs, please contact your supervising professor, OICE (outbound.t@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp), and your department office as soon as possible.
帰国後After your return
Submission of the study abroad report and questionnaire
No. | Document Name | File |
④ | Cover Letter for Study Abroad Report 留学報告書類提出用カバーレター |
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All participants must submit a report (any style) within a month of completing studies overseas. Please write about your time preparing to study abroad, your life at school (including your lab and class experiences), life in general (about your dormitory, city, language, etc.), and about job hunting and the preparation of your thesis (if applicable).
Also, we would like to ask for your cooperation in answering a questionnaire on the experiences from your participation in student exchange programs/ study-abroad programs, for the betterment of future programs. The answers you provide will be used for data collection and reporting purposes, but information that will lead to identification of personal names will not be disclosed or shared with other parties.
- Submit your study abroad report with a cover letter to OICE through your department office.
- Answer to the questionnaire on student exchange programs. (you can answer from here →)
Study abroad report meeting
A study abroad report meeting is held annually. Students who participated in a study exchange program share their experiences regarding life overseas, their lab, language, scholarships, etc.
・Attendees are the students who are interested in going study abroad and the ones who have passed the application process for study abroad.
・The speakers will have 10 minutes to share the experience of their study abroad like how they preprared for the study abroad, the life at the lab, life in general (dormitory, roommates, etc), how they spend the free time, also how they handled thesis and job hunting during the study abroad including the photos and the information that would benefit the students who are plannning on going to study abroad in the future by using PPT.
・We ask the students who just came back from the study abroad to be the speaker at the meeting every year.
・Please see the files "Information on the study abroad report meeting" and "Study abroad reports" below as reference.